There have been some spectacular crashes caused by the accidental contact of the front brake lever with another bike. So much so, that the fitment of front brake lever guards is now mandatory for racing at world championship and british championship level. So, we thought we'd join the party and fit one of the Rizoma Proguards to reduce (or hopefully prevent!) the possibility of this type of accident happening to us.

The Rizoma Proguard comes nicely packaged (highly irrelevant but nice nevertheless!), is adjustable and also includes two guards - a long and a short - so that the brake protector can be situated in exactly the right place. The fitment kit also included a variety of spacers, that were not required to fit into our clipon tubes, but its nice that Rizoma catered for all eventualities.

Removal of the existing plastic bar end & fitment of the new Rizoma Proguard was a simple task, with the majority of the time spent getting the placement millimetre perfect before loctiting all screws securely into place.
It looks trick & its safer too! Lovely... :-)